Curbside Collection Frequently Asked Questions

Additional Suggestions When Using Your Carts

  • Keep the lid closed when your cart is not in use. This helps to contain odors and discourages scavengers, like birds, insects and other wildlife. It also keeps rain out.
  • The carts are the property of Humboldt Sanitation, do not deface the carts in any way, including with stickers, markers, paint, cuts, or other damage that may result in a replacement fee.
  • Do not put hazardous materials in your refuse or recycling cart.
  • Do not stack bags or other items on top of cart lids. The automated truck is not able to safely empty a cart when items are placed on the cart lid.
  • Do not fasten the cart lid closed at the curb. Lids must open and swing freely when emptied.
  • Do not overfill carts, lids must close completely.
  • Do not pack material so tightly that it might become wedged in the cart.
  • Do not place carts close to trees. Consider overhead clearance when placing carts at the curb. The automated arm needs to lift the carts up to empty them.
  • Do not place carts too close together or too close to other objects. A minimum of three (3) feet of space is necessary so that the automated arm does not damage surrounding objects or vehicles.
  • Do not put recyclables at the curb that do not fit in the recycling cart. Break down and flatten all cardboard and put it in the recycling cart. No waxed cardboard.
  • Do not place nonrecyclable materials in your recycling cart. We may inspect the contents of any recycling cart and carts found to contain materials not specifically identified on the list of acceptable materials on the Recycling Usage Guide,or containing materials considered detrimental to the value of the recycled materials will be tagged. We will notify the customer that unacceptable materials were found. Contents of the container will be collected as refuse and the customer will be billed for excess waste.